
24/7 Hotline
Never feel alone again.
Domestic violence can occur anywhere and at any time. To ensure that victims have access to crucial information and can speak with a trained professional, the Help In Crisis hotline has become a vital link for victims of domestic violence and their families. HIC Hotline is an integral program because it is the entry point for all victims/survivors of domestic violence who are seeking help. When you are ready to talk, we are here to listen. Our hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls are answered by trained, compassionate advocates and are strictly confidential. Free yourself from the fear of domestic violence. Trust in the support of Help In Crisis.
No one deserves to be abused.
And remember, you are not alone. We are here to help!
Call our toll-free 24hour Hotline: 1-800-300-5321.
Crisis Centers
Help In Crisis has two walk in crisis centers. No matter the crisis we will do our best to help you. Feel free to drop in our Tahlequah office at 205 N. College Ave. or our Wagoner Office at 901 SE 10 th St. Wagoner, OK. We are open Mon- Friday 9:00am-5:00pm.
Emergency Shelter
Fleeing a violent partner can be the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic abuse. Many victims lack the financial resources or support systems to survive without the abuser. Recognizing this impediment, Help In Crisis offers emergency shelter services. Each year, approximately 300 women and 300 children come through our shelter where they are provided resources in order to get their lives back. Individuals and their children who seek safety from an abusive partner can stay at the shelter for up to thirty days, where they will receive both individual and group counseling as well as advocacy. It is during this period that our knowledgeable staff works with the women and their children so that they can find affordable housing, legal representation, and the strength to stand on their own. The shelter offers a safe and nurturing environment where victims can spend time healing as they move toward freedom from domestic violence.

If you need safe housing because of a domestic violence situation, call our Crisis Line at:

Domestic Violence Court Advocacy
The Court Advocacy Program offers support and assistance as survivors navigate complex and sometimes overwhelming court systems. This program provides an advocate to assist victims of domestic and sexual violence as they proceed through the criminal justice system. Help In Crisis’s court advocates do not work for the state, the city, the county or the police department and are therefore not motivated to assist other agencies. The court advocate works solely to help victims understand the choices available.
Court advocates can assist with the following:
• Crime Victims Compensation process
• Filing for an ex parte or order of protection
• Help survivors understand basic information about the courts, criminal prosecutions, and the role of the survivor/witness
• Provide access to information for victims of their rights under current laws.
• Monitor the response of the court system
• Improve victims’ access to the court system
• Provide objective and knowledgeable information about the court process
• Offer information about survivor rights
• Facilitate the provision of services or other forms of assistance
• Support and empowers survivors to understand options and make choices
• Assist in dealing with survivor’s feelings as a result of the crime
• Communicate as a liaison within the system
What is an Order of Protection?
Protection orders sometimes referred to as restraining orders and injunctions, are available to those experiencing domestic violence as one safety tool. A protection order forbids and attempts to restrain a perpetrator from doing something, such as contacting you, threatening you, entering your property, going to your place of work, residence or any other place known to be frequent by you.
There are different ways in which these orders can be obtained. For instance, a victim of domestic violence can request a protection order from the civil court for free, even if there has never been a criminal charge against the abuser. Usually, in order to qualify for a domestic violence protection order, the person you wish to have restrained must have engaged in some of the following behaviors: harassment, stalking, physical violence or threats of physical violence.
Other ways that protection orders come into play are in criminal court, where some felony charges carry with them a mandatory restraining order. Misdemeanor criminal charges may give the victim/witness the option of requesting a no-contact order, which could be made a condition of bond or probation.
Laws vary from state to state, and it is important to understand how your jurisdiction operates. There is a handy drop-down menu at womenslaw.org that lists each state and its relevant laws. Help to secure a protection order can be obtained through many domestic violence programs, including Help In Crisis.
In fact, an advocate at a domestic violence program can assess if requesting an order is right for your specific circumstances, as well as provide emotional support and information on how to obtain the protection order. Your advocate can also assist you in developing a more comprehensive safety plan and might be able to accompany you to court. Ask your advocate if they can make arrangements with the court’s security for an escort while in court and other areas around the court.
It is always a good idea to be well-prepared for the court process, including having documents (journals, physician reports, police reports, pictures, etc) about the abuse. You should also have your photo ID, as well as a description and the license plate number of the abuser’s car, and information about his or her history of drugs and gun ownership. When it comes time to provide your own information, give a safe mailing address and phone number, preferably one that your abuser does not know. If you’re staying at a shelter, ask if they have a P.O. Box that you can use.
Penalties for violating a protection order also vary by state but may include jail time or fines. A protection order does not give a survivor the legal ability to press charges if the abuser does not obey the order. It is up to law enforcement to assess whether a crime has been committed related to an existing protection order. Law enforcement will look for a probable cause that the order was violated and it is up to them to file charges, regardless of a victim’s wishes.
Did you know…
1. Sexual violence can happen to anyone regardless of gender, age, race, socio-economic status or religion.
2. Rape is a crime. It is an act of power and aggression, motivated by the need to control, humiliate and harm. It is NOT about sexual desire.
3. If you are under 16, intoxicated, asleep, or unconscious, you cannot give consent to sexual intercourse.
4. If you are forced to have sex when you don’t want to, it is rape, even if you are married to your assailant.

If any of the above applies to you, we can help.
You are not alone, and you do have choices.
No one deserves to be sexually assaulted…
It is NOT your fault.
What do I do after a Sexual Assault?
What if a child has been sexually assaulted?
What is the difference between sexual assault and rape?
Where do I go if I’ve been sexually assaulted?
What do I do after a Sexual Assault?
Although each survivor’s experience is unique, it can be especially helpful to talk to others who have been or are going through situations similar to your own. Our groups provide a safe environment as well as support and healing from the abuse you have experienced in your life.
Like all HIC services, the groups are free and confidential. We are currently offering a Domestic Violence Support Group and a Survivors of Sexual Assault Support Group. Please call (918)456-0673 for more information.