A pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner. There are many different forms of abuse in domestic violence such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, economic abuse, psychological abuse, threats, stalking, and cyberstalking.
Red Flags to look for in a new relationship
Progression of Violence | Pre-Battering Violence
How to tell if you are being abused
Levels of Violence
MYTH – Drinking causes battering problems.
FACT – Battering is associated with drinking, however they do not go hand in hand. That saying is an excuse for battering.
MYTH – Battering victims are masochistic. They “deserve” or “like” to be beaten.
FACT – No one likes to be beaten. Survival causes some battered people to develop masochistic traits. Battering happens because a batterer loses control, not because of what a person does or does not want.
MYTH – Battered victims are crazy
FACT – Surviving as an abused person can cause a someone to behave in ways that appear crazy or bizarre.
MYTH – Battering victims only come from lower-income, uneducated, minority groups.
FACT – Battering victims come from all races, religions, education levels, and socio-economic levels.
MYTH – Religious beliefs will prevent battering
FACT – While religious beliefs can provide support for an abused person, praying will not stop the beating.
MYTH – Batterers are violent in all of their relationships.
FACT – Only 20% of batterers are violent in all relationships. Most batterers are not violent with anyone other than their wife or partner.
MYTH – Batterers are unsuccessful and lack resources to cope with the world.
FACT – As a group, batterers are indistinguishable from any other group in terms of capabilities. They do lack self-control and are usually insecure.
MYTH – Batterers have psychopathic personalities.
FACT – Unlike the psychopath, most batterers feel guilt and shame at their actions.
MYTH – Police can protect the domestic violence victim.
FACT – Only 10% of battering victims call the police, yet 25% of police homicides occur when the officer is on a domestic violence call. Most women will not call the police because of guilt, shame, or fear from abuser.
Infants and Toddlers
Preschool Age (3-6 years)
School Age (7-11 years)
Teen Years (12-17years)
Victim's Rights
Know the Facts about Rape
Prevention Tips
Don’t Walk Into Danger
Car Safety
If You Are Attacked…
If You Are a Victim of Rape…
Information provided by the Crime and Violence Prevention Center-California Attorney General’s Office
Sexual abuse is any non-consenting sexual act or behavior. It is not just forced sexual contact. Sexual abuse, in its many forms, demeans and humiliates, making one feel shameful and exposed, particularly with regards to one’s sexuality.
Following are examples:
Sexual Assault Definitions
MYTH – Rape is provoked by the victim. Women who are raped are asking for it.
FACT – A study conducted in Philadelphia by Dr. Menachem Amir (Patterns in Forcible Rape) indicated that 60-70% rapes are at least partially planned beforehand by the rapists. The study also shows that the victim is usually threatened with death or bodily harm if she resists. Why should a women go out of her way to be humiliated, beaten, or possibly killed? The problem with this myth is the way it takes away the criminal blame from the rapist and shifts the responsibility for the crime to the victim.
Although provocation may consist of only a “gesture,” according to the Federal Commission on Crimes of Violence only 4% of reported sexual assaults involved precipitative behavior on the part of the victim, and most of this provocation consisted of nothing more than walking or dressing in a way that is socially defined as attractive. No woman’s behavior or dress gives a man the right to rape her.
MYTH – Only young, beautiful women in seductive clothing are raped. It can’t happen to me. Only other types of women get raped. Only “bad” girls get raped.
FACT – The victim of sexual assault is a victim of violence. Rapists choose their victim without regard to physical appearance. Victims are of every age, shape, race, and social class. The reported age range is six months to 90 years of age. Nearly one-half of rapes are committed in the victims’ homes.
MYTH – Sexual assault occurs only among strangers. If I avoid strangers, I will not be raped.
FACT – Although 51% of the rapes studied by Amir did occur among total strangers, 49% involved cases in which the victim and offender knew each other in some way. In 14% of the cases the rapist was a close friend, a relative, or a friend of the family. The National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence reported that 53% of victims were total strangers to their attackers, 30% were slightly acquainted, 7% had a family relationship, and 3% were not related but had a previous close association. When considering these statistics, it is important to remember that they deal with REPORTED cases of forcible rape; a woman is more apt to report being raped by a stranger than by a friend or relative.